pyraider -h
to get a quick overview of all the commands.
Run pyraider --help
You should get a result like this.
_____ _____ _ _
| __ \ | __ \ (_) | |
| |__) | _| |__) |__ _ _ __| | ___ _ __
| ___/ | | | _ // _` | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
| | | |_| | | \ \ (_| | | (_| | __/ |
|_| \__, |_| \_\__,_|_|\__,_|\___|_|
__/ |
by RaiderSource version 1.0.19
pyraider go [-d | -s [high|medium|low] | -e <format> | -e <format> <exportFileName> | -e <format> -s [high|medium|low] | -e <format> <exportFileName> -s [high|medium|low] | -d -s [high|medium|low] | -d -e <format> | -d -e <format> <exportFileName> | -d -e <format> -s [high|medium|low] | -d -e <format> <exportFileName> -s [high|medium|low]]
pyraider check -f <filename> [-d | -e <format> | <exportFileName> | -e <format> <exportFileName> | -s [high|medium|low] | -e <format> -s [high|medium|low] | -e <format> <exportFileName> -s [high|medium|low]]
pyraider validate [-p <package> | -f <filename>]
pyraider fix [-d | -s [high|medium|low] | -d -s [high|medium|low]]
pyraider autofix [-d | -s [high|medium|low] | -d -s [high|medium|low]]
pyraider updatedb [-d]
pyraider go
pyraider go -s high
pyraider go -e json
pyraider go -e json -s high
pyraider check -f requirements.txt
pyraider check -f requirements.txt -e json result.json
pyraider check -f requirements.txt -e json result.json -s high
pyraider validate
pyraider validate -p django==1.11.13
pyraider validate -f requirements.txt
pyraider fix
pyraider fix -s high
pyraider autofix
pyraider autofix -s high
pyraider updatedb
pyraider updatedb -d
-h, --help
-v, --version